Hi, welcome to my English language teaching through drama and storytelling site. I’m Richard and I have many decades of experience as an educator in a variety of settings: K-12 teaching in California, teacher trainings and materials creation in Cambodia, Timor-Leste and Uzbekistan, tutoring refugee families in Oakland, Ca., and teaching teenagers in China and Albania (Afghan students). I am currently working as a freelance consultant in the TESOL field and as a voice over performer, specializing in storytelling, e-learning and other narrative projects.
This site is mostly devoted to sharing my work using drama and storytelling strategies for English language development with learners and in trainings with teachers. In addition, I will soon be adding samples from various voice over projects. Click on the buttons on the left (below on the mobile site) to navigate the site. You will see video examples as well as detailed instructions on of almost 40 different activities. There are links to resources that have informed my teaching, as well as some materials I have created in my work as an English Language Fellow and Specialist with the U.S. Department of State’s English language programs. I add to the site on a semi-regular basis, so if you wish to receive an email from me letting you know when I do an update, click on the subscribe button (no cost). Most of the activities and resources shared are specific to drama and storytelling, but I do include a few that are just good teaching strategies, loosely related to the theme of this site, that I and my students have enjoyed. Thanks for visiting and I hope you will find at least one or two activities that you can do with your students.
If you are interested in teacher trainings or voice over projects (I have a fully functional studio quality home studio) or some combination, I’d love to talk. Best way is to send me an email: richardrjs1010@gmail.com
Using Tableau to discuss problems with Peace Corps Volunteers in Cambodia
Training teaching artists in ensemble theatre techniques at Epic Arts, Cambodia
Tableau from a story by TESOL candidates in Timor-Leste